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🌟🌟🌟 What was your biggest take away in Utah?

Michelle & Vin / Texas / 210-940-0112

WOW what an AMAZING weekend!


There was so much to learn but even more the connecting in person and networking was second to none!


It is GREAT having face-to-face with existing partners and new potential partners.


Our biggest takeaway was leading with purpose and not an agenda. And that has always been at the core of our business. To help others. BOOOMM!!


  1. Tess Hulack

    It was AMAZING!  I love meeting everyone in person and I love learning about everyone’s purpose, goals and plans.  Blessed and honored to be on this journey with each and every one of you!

    It was wonderful to connect with old friends and new friends and looking forward to connecting with those unable to attend at a future event.

    Have a beautiful day friends!


  2. Ana

    It was an awesome event! We learned so much about PML-what an exciting world to be in.

    Many win-win opportunities in our community.

    Great meeting you and Vin there!