Hi PMC! I just recently heard of a PMC member who invests in assisted living ‘facilities’, it was on a recent call but I cannot remember which one. Please help me out and help make the connection 😁 THANK YOU!!! Jennifer
(there was a story being told about this person (man I believe) would visit his parent(s) and thought… “this needs to be better” so is now building facilities)
Hello I’m Brandon Schwab, I run a real estate debt that acquires and renovates 10-20 bed assisted living and memory care. Also have an operations company that runs them. My number is (815) 790-2330 .
Hi Jennifer, I saw you were looking for me. How can I help you?
Mr Schwab does senior facilities specifically apparently.
My firm provides UNSECURED WORKING CAPITAL for small biz
i got joe money at proton dot me
Thank you Brandon and Joe!