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🤝 Seller Review ♥︎ This is what it’s all about ♥︎ And our PML earned 14% on this deal 💪🏼

Jennifer Purtill

Carol, Long Pond, PA – Short Sale

“Hi Jennifer, I can’t tell you how important you have been to me, in working to sell my house in Pennsylvania. When I first met you, I had no understanding what it would take to reach the final sale. You worked with me for almost a year getting everyone on board for the sale. Navigating through the various financial institutions involved, the Lawyers, the Courts, and not to mention the Bank, this was something I was unable to do by myself. Without your insight, your professionalism, dedication and your experience this sale would never had come to volition.

What I best admired about working with you was your honesty, integrity, forthrightness, compassion, and your knowledge of the real estate business. You kept me calm and focused when things went wrong or one of these institutes changed the rules and requirements each time we spoke with them. The lawyers who were supposed to help me, refused to work with me till you stepped in and gained the information we needed to move ahead. The financial people would never give the same answer to any question I asked, till you found someone higher in the structure to get the real answers so we could put in an offer.

With all these problems you stayed with me. My frustration level was so high it was affecting my health, but you were there to lead me through everything that was holding the sale up. I could reach you, no wonder the hour or day, you always answered my calls or texts. I can only say thank you again, it was truly a pleasure working with you. Best always, Carol”