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🫰🫰🫰Are you a borrower or a lender?💰💰💰

Michelle & Vin / Texas / 210-940-0112

How quickly are you in need/what’s your time frame for this?


  1. Eric Prescott

    Hello. To anyone who is listening: I’m a borrower.

    I have a SFH that just went under contract ($130 purchase = $25k rehab). Gotta find time to put together all the details, but we close 4/28, so if you’re interested in learning more, please reach out. I’ll get the deal up here and on the deals page ASAP if we aren’t funded before I can get to it.

  2. Tou Bee Yang

    Hi Everyone!  I’m a lender and I’m grateful to have joined PMC recently.  Definitely looking forward to the opportunities this will bring, not only with deals but with the networking and relationships I plan on building.

  3. avantrn

    Hi everyone, I’m new to PMC and real estate investing in general. I am a lender and starting out small. looking for investing oppurtunities to partner with someone on a deal.

  4. Justin Abee


    I am a “borrower” in that I am an investor relations specialist for multifamily syndications where we raise capital from passive investors who want to be on the equity side of investments for cash flow, forced appreciation and cost segregation/bonus depreciation tax benefits to offset their active income.

    Multifamily Investments – PASSIVE investments w/ double digit returns and HUGE Tax Benefits

    I also borrow to buy cash-flowing businesses of $1-5m in valuation that have been in business for more than 10 years to mitigate risk of business failure.  We then take those businesses and push to increase growth and revenue, by improving systems and processes to reduce cost, bring businesses into the modern era of automation, add subscription services, improve current sales/marketing, and bolt-on or roll-up other businesses that can cross-sell and drive the valuation into the $10m range where more institutional buyers are interested for our exit.

    I also lend for Single and Multifamily Ernest Money Deposits, double closes, and other short-term transactional lending.

  5. MisoTacoz

    I’m new to this but I invest also I use mainvest I found before. Then I found this and I’m a borrower and a lender. Let’s actually make not only America a better place; the world a better place, for wages and benefits to every one and healthy lifestyle for every one who wants it.

  6. Nizan

    Hello ALL!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I am an owner operator of multifamily/student housing.

    My team and I are raising money for our projects and are looking for accredited investors.

    If you would like to earn class C returns on a class A property, lets talk.


    PP- $21,500,000

    C.OC..- 8% avg/year over 5 years

    IRR- 18%


    for ex. $100,000 investment equates to $115,000 ROI.

    this is a legacy property.

    Invest before year end and enjoy:





    for more info text me at 561 212 7247 and mention pmc

    or email-

  7. Bob Coleman

    I’m both a borrower and a lender, but I borrow to lend money. I’m currently borrowing at 12% and lending higher than that and making a great spread. I used to do SFRs, duplexes, and fourplexes, but I don’t hear any complaints whatsoever anymore, because the banks I lend to just deposit the money into my account. Glad to connect here. I’ll have to see about posting a deal here. I’ve been on this site about 1 hour… lol

  8. Marquis Cobb

    Hello All,

    I am a borrower I have a special lending opportunity for someone interested in some short term lending. Recently I joined DealEstate.AI and Infinite capital in their DealEstate Accelerator Program (DEAP). This program is designed to put people hand selected by the board of directors General Partners(GPs) on the fast tracking to closing commercial multifamily deal. The board members only chose 50 new GPs this year so I was very fortunate to be selected.
    You can learn about how DealEstate uses the benefits of AI for apartment syndication here:
    One of the requirements for the onboarding for the new GPs is a deposit of $65,500.00 which will be put into their first deal which usually comes within the first 6 months.
    Where do you come in?
    I am looking for a short term lender looking to fund the $65,500 for me as a new GP. How I would like to structure it as a $65500 loan at 6% over 2 years with the first 12 months being interest only payments with a balloon payment in full after 24 months with no pre-payment penalty. My plan to repay funds is to use the acquisition fee I obtain on my first deal. If you are unfamiliar with the syndication process the GP side of the deal receives an acquisition fee of roughly 2-3% of purchase price from investors once the deal is closed.
    If you are looking for different terms we can talk about adjusting them to see what will work best for both of us.

  9. Michael McCann

    I’m new to PMC and I am a lender. New to the PMC platform, so I’m just getting started, not sure where to begin. I currently have one rental property will be looking to expand in hte future but for now I want ot generate cash flow. 

  10. Ray Warren

    I am a borrower in immediate need of $$$ to purchase a home. I have an immediate buyer and will close on that deal within 60 days (probably 30 days). Short-term loan needed. I’ve had some unforeseen bad luck with this transaction and need assistance.

  11. Fred

    Hello everyone, I am a borrower excited to have just posted a fantastic deal on an 8-unit apartment complex that offers a remarkable 17% ROI. I am confident that this investment opportunity will yield great returns. Moreover, I am eager to connect with new contacts in the industry and foster long-lasting relationships. Let’s collaborate and make the most out of this venture together. Looking forward to connecting with you all soon.

  12. Frank

    Looking for a private/hard money lender for a raw land deal. Not looking to attend anyone’s training programs. Not looking for a partner. Just need a lender. Will repay + fees when the deal is complete. If you can assist, please contact me at; or  (979) 402-0392. (text only). Thank you.

  13. treviresgubsone

    Hi Everyone, I’m a borrower and i’m excited to be here.
    if you are in need of a PRIVATE LENDER for all kinds of deals. I have been using this for my deals and i must say they’re awesome, easy process. Also they fund you regardless of your credit profile, good or bad, you only need to have an income to qualify and approve you. Yes, they fund you huge amounts $100k-$1m and above.
    Real Estate Loan
    Business Loan
    Personal Loan

    Contact him now
    ‪(951) 444-5107‬ (Text Please before call)

  14. Danielle Hollembaek

    I’m a borrower and happy to be a part of this group! I am currently looking for a lender on a 3 mixed-use building deal I have going to the Quad Cities. Very favorable terms with 10% yearly returns for 3 years and payout with a 10% bonus in year 3! The buildings are amazing and are currently cash-flowing well. Email my husband and me at if you are interested in learning more about the deal!