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Bad Acting Lender/contractors Creating Potential

Aloha California

Examples of this, I’m a short-term rental property owner that after turning a profit set to expand this corporate rental but got stuck from bad actors.

Initial issues started with Finding the wrong Broker, Contractor and Lender. This resulted in a Very bad run fund control that with the contractor blatantly misappropriated funds. The Lender refused to get involved till too late.

This was a breach in California law, so I set to sue to recover.

The current lender since then took back remaining funds, so I’m left with an unfinished property needing 600,000 to 800,000 (including damages of Landscape from sitting… and a long wait for Court.

Despite knowing the loan was insured and the contractor was insured there has been a direct resistance of all parties including insurance to correct this before court date in 2024.

This delay is killing the build and the equity. (It has been siting 1 yr. I’m in need of an investor to take 1st position, agree equity comes from Value of completed value of 2.3 million finished home and in addition some agreed hold rights to Lawsuit payout that is also 2.3million if not satisfied with loan payoff in 6-8 months.

Profits for this Investor will be 100,000 to 300,000 if it is built and refinanced by me the owner as intended or sold as second exit plan.

Depending on length of time to build or if any failure to build the lender will receiving an agreed profit rights to home and agreed rights to a set profit from the lawsuit proceeds as well.  If there is a lack of sale or lack of final value, then the profit from sale of property and the Lawsuit winnings can be negotiated in the funding terms in a favorable manner to encourage the funder so there is no loss and fair gains.

Breakdown of 1st Exit strategy is use payoff Financer takes 1st position paying the 1.3 million owed and remaining will build the property. (the 2.1 million to 2.2 borrowed) The Lawsuit payout will then payoff the full Funding but a conversion to 30yr etc. loan will be maintained and paid out so there is potential available investment capital. Investor receives payoff of agreed from lawsuit or Refinance loan or both.

FYI this property will be worth more as future Rams Practice site is being built in Area and houses currently are selling 50k to 100k over asking do to big demand for hi value homes in area.  If I had a lender to cover the 4-6 months to build, lawsuit payout and payout of sale they would look to make 100,000 to 300,000 in profits. anyone willing to talk.  8184153995