Can you remember a time when you felt hopeless about your future? Everyone encounters hardship in their lives, and most people reach a certain point after a series of bad news or unfortunate circumstances where they feel as if their future is uncertain. Money problems are at the forefront of this, but individuals can also reach this point because of other factors that don’t include money.
When someone reaches this point of hopelessness in their lives, it is essential that they reorient themselves and find that spark that makes them want to get out of bed every morning. Sometimes, one has to overcome the biggest obstacle of their life to begin the road to their dreams.
For Teresa Hulack, this obstacle was her own health. Not only has Teresa overcome her toughest hurdles and reached her dreams, but she has given herself a new lease on life. If you’re looking for inspiration to win your toughest battles, look no further than Tess.
Teresa Hulack’s Story
It was six years ago when Teresa went in for weight loss surgery. For years, her dream had been to lose enough weight so that she could get off the bench and move comfortably, but she had settled for the life she was living. When she initially scheduled the surgery, her goal was to give herself 10 more years of living — just one more decade.
Well, after six years, Teresa has lost more than half of her body weight and is doing better than ever.
“I never thought I was gonna have a chance at life. When I got involved [with PMC] I had this surgery hoping for just 10 years to get off the bench. That’s all I wanted. Well, when I met Doc V, I went into a group with him one day and he goes, Why in the world would you settle for 10 years? Why aren’t you opening yourself up to everything? I didn’t know how to do it because I was hopeless. I was absolutely hopeless. He challenged me beyond things that I’ve ever been comfortable with.” – Tess Hulack
With the help of mentors like Chris Naugle, Tess was able to slowly start piecing things together on what exactly PMC could bring to the table for her. Though met with staunch opposition at her former place of employment (an accounting firm), she decided to leave her old job in favor of building her private lending network by meeting people through the Private Money Club.
“I just didn’t know how to utilize what the rich people utilized, and that’s where Chris came into play. I’ll be honest, I’ve worked for mutually owned insurance companies. I’ve asked questions, and nobody knows any of this stuff. When I told her [my boss] I was quitting, she said, Well what are you gonna do? I told her, If you don’t wanna be open to what I’m telling you, that’s okay, but I will not let you trash my dream because this time it’s a dream I can see come to fruit.” – Tess Hulack
As a lifetime accountant, Tess was able to see both the risk and the benefits that were possible from private lending. By choosing to take a leap of faith and begin growing her network, she was able to take back control of her life.
How Teresa Took Back Control of Her Life
Six years ago, Teresa was utterly hopeless and searching for a solution. The only semblance of hope she had to cling to was her surgery, giving her ten more good years of life to be there for her parents. Today, Teresa is somewhat of a celebrity in the PMC community. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and is always so generous with her time and energy.
Looking back on this challenging time in Tess’ life provides perspective on how her life has taken shape since becoming a PMC community member. When asked if she still holding to the belief that she only had 10 years left to live, this is what Tess has to say.
“Now my new tagline at the end of my livestream says the Grim Reaper better get a hoverboard and one hell of a sidekick ‘cause he is not gonna get me easily. I am not going down without a fight. He better find somebody who’s a lot slower than I am. – Tess Hulack
Teresa credits her desire to be here for her parents as her main motivator for becoming part of Private Money Club, and she has three godchildren who she knows will reap the benefits of her labor.
How Private Money Club Has Helped Teresa Change Her Mindset
Sometimes it can be difficult for family members to see the benefit of something new. When a leap of faith is required to branch out into a new avenue of entrepreneurship, it’s normal for family members who care about you to be skeptical. Tess herself admits she was hesitant at first since she was leaving her job as an accountant behind, but she had faith that this was the right move for her.
Since taking that leap of faith, the support that Tess has found within PMC has given her the confidence to ask questions and grow as an individual and as a lender. Tess was already a wealth of useful knowledge, but that knowledge only continues to grow with her time at PMC.
“I think that’s where this network is so amazing because the ironic thing is I keep trying to learn from being in Private Money club, but once you develop those relationships, you keep with the same people. As my base grows, I want to invest with other people just so that I can keep increasing my knowledge and spreading things — keeping my basket balanced.” – Tess Hulack
After personally experiencing the impact Private Money Club has had on her life, Tess is eager to share with her loved ones how great the group is. This is proving to be more difficult than she anticipated, however. Her father has a very old-school mindset and has been burned too many times to be immediately receptive to something like PMC, so she’s been working on showing him just how awesome the group of members at PMC are.
“I just share enough for him to realize that these people are my friends. Maybe it started as business, but these are my friends, these are [my] people. I told him that I travel with people that, if I was to call and say I’m stuck somewhere, somebody would show up and make sure that we all come together and we all help each other. Traveling with this unit of people, this family that we created, you can’t ask for anything better than that.” – Tess Hulack
Family is the perfect word to describe the group at PMC and is one that gets used often by those who are a part of it. Not only is this group exceptionally supportive of each other’s business ventures, but they are all so loving and attentive to each other’s needs.
The Difference Private Money Club Can Make
At the end of the day, Teresa alone is responsible for getting her life back on track. It was her sheer determination to become healthier and give herself more time to support her parents, and it was her generosity that made her such a warm and incredible addition to the Private Money Club.
So, aside from the incredible things Tess herself has accomplished, what has Private Money Club done for her?
“I think what PMC has allowed me to do is to see that I’m not at the mercy of, say, the stock market. So I know I wanna work going forward and what this program has allowed me to do is confidently know that when I’m making these decisions that are maybe not cemented yet. … I know that I’ve got this managed and secure.” – Tess Hulack
Stability. Suffice it to say that PMC has brought stability into Teresa’s life and provided her with a platform to strengthen her ability to plan for the future without fear.
Tess has been an accountant her whole life and has garnered a wealth of knowledge. Another amazing thing about Teresa is that when she has knowledge that would benefit someone else or when she learns something new that may make another person’s life easier, she is eager to share that knowledge.
“If I could do anything for anyone, I would say I am an accountant. I have studied this my entire life. I will continue to study because that’s what I do. But [I would say] jump in and try something. Just one thing at a time. Go to the three day [workshop], stop saying you’re not going to learn anything at the second one, because I learned something and signed up for something. Just come in and hear it so that you can start to open the doors. It’ll give you the confidence to open the doors when you’re ready.” – Tess Hulack
Tess is truly an inspiration, not only to everyone at PMC but to anyone listening to her story. Everyone’s story is different, but there are times when we all need to step out on faith toward freedom. What steps do you need to start taking toward your brighter future today?
Take a Leap of Faith Toward Your Dreams
Tess’s story of choosing a better life for herself is truly an inspiration. She was already starting to take control of her destiny before she joined Private Money Club, but it’s clear to see that she is now totally in control since joining PMC and continues to inspire everyone around her.
From learning the ropes of private lending best practices to networking with a group of like-minded individuals — Private Money Club has it all. If you’re interested in private finance and want to find interesting projects, strike deals quickly, and make things happen, now is the time to get involved.
If you’re ready to make your goals a reality, join the club today.