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Got AIRBNB ON WHEELS?!! $33K 18% ROI 90 days

Ken Edwards

Hey Guys/Gals we got something good in the kitchen!  Airbnb on Wheels is a cash-flow producing Lending Opportunity. Airbnb on Wheels is a platform that finances trucks to Truck drivers! The lender rate is 18% @ $33k  for 90 days.. All deals first lien position and fully insured. We have attached a pitch deck with the highlights. A key take away besides the security is  the cash flow, bi-weekly payments. The Most Important stat is.. We are changing Lives!

Lets connect! AIRBNB ON WHEELS


  1. Belinda Rowe

    Hi Ken,

    Interested in learning more about this deal.  Can we set up a time to talk? I’m not familiar with this type of deal been doing real estate deals. I like the shorter term and even better if there would be an opportunity to rollover into the next deal.

    Belinda Rowe
