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New to PMC / Any advice about Note Investing?

Brian Jaeggi

Hello, I’m new to the PMC community.  I’ve been in the insurance industry (group benefits) for 18 years and started investing in RE in 2018.  My wife and I own 8 rentals and are starting to invest in mortgage notes.

I would appreciate any advice regarding note investing and working on new deals within the PMC community.  Thank you to Chris Naugle and Craig Yenni for your help so far!


  1. Julieann M Ferraro

    Notes are great to invest in ! If you are just starting out my suggestion is to decide if you are interested in performing notes or non performing notes.  The risk for non-performing notes are more,  but better discounts.  I have been concentrating in non performing and I have a team to help me with the different stages and changes with the non performing notes have.  I do recommend that you partner with someone who has had some experience (and a team), as muddling through it yourself is not wise (done that – did make money but I took a lot more risk than I should have if I had known).  Have you read any books or do you follow someone ? If you need some suggestions I can give you some.  I am not currently looking for any JV partners but once my current deal is finished I will be (possibly doing a construction deal with one of my note partners). I have access to a trade desk of notes and we buy as a group, so we get what I think is better inventory.  Depends also what your price point(s) are. The low price points look good, but I find doing JV deals using higher funds at middle price points are better ROI’s.  I can maybe find some time to go over some of the notes on our current tape ( most of these are land notes thou and most are performing) someone did that for me years back and I would find time to give back if thats what your looking for.