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New to this, but eager to learn the ropes

Soto Apostolopoulos

Hello.  I’m interested in seeing how this platform grows.  I’m here to learn and eventually have the knowledge and confidence to lend and borrow.  I’ve always wondered… how can people connect with others and lend/borrow, in a safe manner, without dealing with banks?  How do realestate guys do it?  I’m glad I ran into this!

Looking forward to this.


  1. Gold Tran

    Hi Soto and welcome!

    I too am also here to learn what I can about lending and borrowing. I found attending the webinars was one way to meet people and find out who’s interest align with yours. I’ve met many wonderful people on here and a lot of are here to help. I’m currently on the waiting list for some people who need money so while I wait I’ve been trying to educate myself with more knowledge and what to look for.