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What our private money lenders are saying about us!! JP Property Buyers

Jennifer Purtill

“Smooth”, “transparent”, “timely” – these are a few words used by one of our PMLs to describe working with us. We certainly take pride in our work but when a PML trusts us with their hard-earned money, a strong partnership, transparency, good records and follow through are top of mind for us! Jennifer/JP Property Buyers LLC

“It has been a pleasure working with JP Property Buyers as a lender. Good communication in this relationship is important and Jennifer keeps us updated and informed every step of the way! Timeline updates, photos, video and progress are all communicated well and I have always felt confident that my investment is secure with their proven track record and professionalism. An exceptional job is done on each remodel and I have never had doubt that once complete, each property would sell quickly. We have done multiple deals together and from start to finish, the process of loaning to JP Property Buyers has been smooth, transparent and timely; our principal plus interest has always been distributed quickly after the sale. I highly recommend JP Property Buyers as a real estate investor to work with as you can feel confident your investment is secure and their professionalism is top notch!” M&G


    • Jennifer Purtill

      Thank you so much, Eric! It has been a great working relationship and the trust has been built! I am very thankful for this testimonial – I appreciate your comment!