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Who Went to the Utah PMC Event?! What Brought You There?

Andy & Stacy /RE Investors / Miami, FL / 954-951-9995

Stacy and I (Andy) are property enthusiast and we’re always on the hunt for excellent opportunities… we came to the Utah PMC Event because we understood that a community like this will make a HUGE IMPACT on our business. Our Sellers are looking for us to close in 7 to 14 days, sometimes even LESS than that and we NEED to find funds to close FAST. Thank you Chris, Mike, Shawna, Bud, Jamie, Joel, and everyone that made this event possible.


  1. Tess Hulack

    Ooops – I didn’t answer the question.  This one has 2 answers too.

    1)  I adore this community of like-minded people.  It feels like coming home.  I see so much growth because of the support we can give each other.  We all have what I call the “heart circle” those that are in our lives because of their place in our lineage but we are family of choice!

    2) The knowledge.  I love what it has done for my life and I want to be the example that allows those around me to question “on their terms” when the time is right for them.  We are setting the stage for something better for ourselves and the ripple will continue past us even if we don’t know we were the catalyst that led to the change.

    Okay – full disclosure I’m sitting in a hotel lobby waiting for my car to take me to the airport.  What else should I be doing but reaching out to the amazing people that I have shared the past few days with!

    Miss you all and safe travels home!