When posting a deal to PMC, it’s important to give your potential lenders as much information about the deal as possible so they can make an informed decision. The easiest way to do this is using our Property Specification Sheet. In this article, we’re going to be going through the PSS.
Fill in your company info as well as high-level details about the property. You can calculate rehab using either 30% of the ARV or an estimate of the actual amount as quoted by a contractor.
In this section, enter as much information as you know about the neighborhood the property is located in. You can get this info from public sites such as Zillow and Realtor.com or you can ask a Realtor to provide the information.
Here you’ll fill in more details about your property. You may not know all the details but fill in what you can.
In this section, enter how old you think each of the major parts of the property are.
Enter three comparable properties in this section. You can also write “see attached” and attach a Comparable Market Analysis or a Broker Price Opinion.
In this section, give a little more detail about your deal and the strategy you hope to use.
List out all repairs that are necessary and how much they will cost.
Last but not least, put some photos of the property. We’d recommend taking all photos in landscape orientation. If you have a question about the number of photos you’ll have to use, add more. You can’t have too many.
Once you’re finished, go to File -> Export and export the document as a PDF.